Faults and Warning Messages

A warning, generally a notification, that is not critical and does not require the machine to immediately shut off. A fault, generally a notification, is a critical system failure that stops machine operation. The severity of the fault depends on which system-stop mechanism is used.

Faults and warnings follow the same pattern and are identified by a four digit code:


where GG is a two digit group code and XX is a two digit ID. All faults and warnings are grouped together to easily identify the part of the system having trouble.

Group Group #
10 System
11 File
15 Hardware
20 Power
25 Temperature
30 Software
4# Feedback (# indicates the feedback number)
50 Motor
55 Wake and Shake
60 Motion
70 Fieldbus
90 Safety

Retrieving Fault and Warning Information

Faults are retrieved on a per-axis basis with: AXIS#.FAULTS, where # is the axis number. Similarly, retrieve per-axis warnings with AXIS#.WARNINGS.

DRV.FAULTS returns faults across all axes, with the format X-#### where X is the axis number and #### is the four digit fault code. DRV.WARNING provides warnings across all axes with a similar format.

Feedback faults are reported with axis faults if the feedback is configured as a feedback source for the axis (e.g. AXIS#.IL.FBSOURCE, AXIS#.VL.FBSOURCE , AXIS#.PL.FBSOURCE ). If a feedback is not a feedback source for an axis, its faults are read with FB#.FAULTS where # is the feedback number.

Clearing Faults and Warnings

Once fault conditions are corrected, clear faults on an axis using AXIS#.CLRFAULTS . To clear faults on all axes with a single command, use DRV.CLRFAULTS .

The action table can also be used to clear faults. Action task 12: Clear Faults can be configured to trigger on edge conditions of the action sources. The action task ID selects the axis on which to clear faults.

The hardware enable input can also be used to clear faults. If AXIS#.HWEN.MODE is 0, faults for the axis are cleared on the rising edge of the hardware enable signal.

Fault History

Faults are logged to flash memory for convenience and debugging. To retrieve the last 50 faults with timestamps, use the keyword DRV.FAULTHIST.

To retrieve a more extensive history of faults, use DRV.FAULTHIST/all.

Fault Reaction

The drive’s reaction to a fault is determined by the nature and severity of the fault and the ability of the drive to control motion to zero speed. There are three supported fault reactions:

  • Perform a controlled stop to decelerate to zero speed, using the controlled stop configuration for the axis. See Controlled Stop.
  • Perform dynamic braking to decelerate the axis to zero speed. See Dynamic Braking.
  • Disable the power stage for the axis that allows the connected motor to coast to zero speed.

Fault Table

A list of all possible faults and warnings can be found by using DRV.FAULTLIST.







Firmware and FPGA versions are not compatible.

The FPGA version does not match the firmware FPGA version constants.

Load the FPGA version that is compatible with the firmware.

Disable power stage


Power Board type mismatch detected.

Power board image does not match what operational firmware expected.

Contact Customer Support to update the drive.

Disable power stage


Power Board Communication fault

Communications with the Power Board failed.

Issue AXIS#.CLRFAULTS . If issue persists, contact Technical Support.

Disable power stage


Power Board FPGA not configured.

Communications with the Power Board failed.

Issue AXIS#.CLRFAULTS . If issue persists, contact Technical Support.

Disable power stage


Failed to initialize the system.

Failure in primary module during software start-up.

Contact Customer Support.

Disable power stage


Unrecognized FPGA fault

Failure within the FPGA Module.

FPGA reported unrecognized fault.

Issue AXIS#.CLRFAULTS . If problem persists, contact Customer Support.

Disable power stage


FPGA cyclic read fault

Detected a timing issue between the firmware and FPGA.

Power cycle the drive. If the fault occurs again, contact Customer Support.

Disable power stage


A Factory MechaWare model failed to load.

Failed to read the control loop model from flash.

Power cycle the drive. If the fault occurs again, contact Customer Support.

Disable power stage


A User MechaWare model failed to load.

Failed to read the user control loop model file from flash.

Power cycle the drive. If the fault occurs again, contact Customer Support.

Disable power stage


Axis internal

The firmware detected it was in an unexpected condition.

Issue AXIS#.CLRFAULTS . If problem persists, contact Customer Support.

Disable power stage


Controlled stop failed

The deceleration ramp of a controlled stop could not be started. The axis immediately disabled instead.

Issue AXIS#.CLRFAULTS . If problem persists, contact Customer Support.

Disable power stage


Drive in Fallback after Crash

The drive has rebooted into Fallback firmware after a crash.

Contact Customer Support.

Disable power stage


NV Memory Data (might occur when downloading firmware)

Inconsistency between the non-volatile (NV) parameter definitions and the parameter data stored in NV memory. The fault occurs on startup after downloading firmware. It may happen when upgrading or downgrading firmware versions.

Compare NV parameters between the original and downloaded versions. Reapply parameter settings that changed. Save NV parameters. Power cycle the drive.

Disable power stage


Flash directory error

File system in unexpected state.

Download latest firmware. If problems persist, contact Customer Support

Disable power stage


Identity Read failed

EDS information on the drive is not in expected format.

Contact Customer Support

Disable power stage


Invalid MAC Address

The MAC Address stored in the EDS on the drive is invalid.

Contact Customer Support

Disable power stage


Power Board factory settings file read failed.

Power Board settings unable to be retrieved.

Contact Customer Support

Disable power stage


Power Board update settings file read failed.

Power Board settings unable to be loaded.

Contact Customer Support

Disable power stage


Failure reading Control Board FPGA EDS file.

Control Board configuration settings unable to be loaded.

Contact Customer Support

Disable power stage


Power Board Resident FPGA not valid.

Power Board Resident FPGA not valid.

Update to latest firmware. If problem persists, contact Customer Support.

Disable power stage


Power Board Operational FPGA not valid.

Power Board Operational FPGA not valid.

Download latest firmware. If problem persists, contact Customer Support.

Disable power stage


Failure reading Power Board FPGA EDS.

Failure reading Power Board FPGA EDS.

Contact Customer Support

Disable power stage

F1111 Flash file is missing Failure while downloading firmware Download firmware again Disable Power stage


Vbus read is out of thresholds.

Hardware problem in bus measurement.

Troubleshoot and repair hardware problem.

Disable power stage


Drive Foldback

Maximum drive power has been exceeded. The power has been limited to protect the drive.

Motion requires too much power. Change profile to reduce load.

Controlled stop


Output over current

Current exceeds drive peak.

Check for short or feedback faults.

Disable power stage


Current sensor short circuit

  1. Current sensor short circuit
  2. Motor cable plugged in upside down (AKD1G only)

F2003 indicates excessive peak motor load current detected by the current sensor A/D's. Potential causes of this error are:

  • Short or partial short in drive to motor cabling

  • Short or partial short in the motor

  • Improper setup of current loop parameters

  • Motor inductance well lower than drive rated minimum

  • Damaged drive

  1. Restart drive. If issue persists, contact Technical Support.
  2. Plug in cable right-side up.

To determine the possible cause unplug the motor power wires at the drive and enable the drive axis. If F2003 does not happen, then suspect one of the first two causes (a short). If you get F2003 with open circuited drive power wires, then the drive is damaged and needs to be returned for repair.

Disable power stage


Iu current offset fault

Hardware failure detected.

F2004 Detailed Troubleshooting Steps

Disable power stage


Iv current offset fault

Hardware failure detected.

F2005 Detailed Troubleshooting Steps

Disable power stage


Bus over voltage

Bus voltage too high. Usually this problem is load related.

Reduce load or change motion profile. Check system regen capacity and add capacity, if needed. Check mains voltage.

Disable power stage


Bus under voltage. Warning issued prior to fault.

Bus voltage below VBUS.UVFTHRESH and the axis was enabled, or bus voltage was below VBUS.INRUSHOFF and the axis was enabled.

Check mains voltage.

Controlled stop


Bus capacitor overloaded

Single phase AC input on a drive only rated for three-phase input or excessive single-phase power load.

Check mains voltage.

Disable power stage


Regen near capacity, could not prevent over voltage.

An F2006 Bus Over Voltage has occurred while the regen resistor was at or above 75% of its dissipation capacity.

Increase the size of regen resistor to be able to dissipate more power.

Disable power stage


Regen over power

Too much power stored in regen resistor.

Get a larger regen resistor or use DC bus sharing to dissipate power.

Disable power stage


Voltage exceeds motor's rating.

Drive bus voltage exceeds the motor’s defined voltage rating.

Make sure that the motor fits the driving rating.

Disable power stage


Power Stage fault

Power Stage fault

Clear faults. If problem persists, contact Customer Support.

Disable power stage


Regen short circuit

Regen resistor short circuit.

Regen IGBT short circuit. Contact Technical Support.

Disable power stage


AC input phase loss

Phase loss was detected on three phase AC mains while the drive was enabled.

F2014 Detailed Troubleshooting Steps

Controlled stop


Bus over voltage FPGA.

Bus over voltage hard fault.

Check mains voltage and check system brake capacity.

Disable power stage


Gate supply under voltage.

Gate Supply under voltage.

Check wiring. If problems persist, contact Customer Support.

Disable power stage


Motor Foldback

Maximum motor power has been exceeded; the power has been limited to protect the motor.

Motion is requiring too much power. Change move profile to reduce load on motor. Check for load jamming or sticking. Check that current limits are set correctly.

Controlled stop


Broken wire connection to motor.

At least one of the motor phases are not connected to the drive. For this fault detection to properly work, motor parameters must be set correctly.

Fix wire connections to the motor. If motor parameters are not set automatically, check motor parameters.

Disable power stage


AC input power loss

Power loss was detected on AC mains while the drive was enabled.

Check mains input. If using DC mains, set VBUS.DCOPERATION to 1.

Controlled stop


Initial DC bus above regen threshold.

An attempt to enable the axis fails due to the DC bus voltage being charged to a steady state voltage greater than the operating threshold of the regen circuits.

F2020 Detailed Troubleshooting Steps

Disable axis


Control over temperature

High temperature limit measured on control circuit.

Check cabinet ventilation system and ambient temperature. Check fan operation. Check DRV.TEMP to determine whether the temperature measurement is unreasonable or stuck at a high value.

Disable power stage


Power board over temperature

High temperature limit measured on power board circuit.

Check cabinet ventilation system and ambient temperature. Check fan operation. Check AXIS1.TEMP and AXIS2,TEMP to determine whether the temperature measurement is unreasonable or stuck at a high value. For more information see: AXIS#.TEMP.

Disable power stage


Control under temperature sensor

Low temperature limit reached.

Check cabinet ventilation system and ambient temperature. Check fan operation. Check DRV.TEMP to determine whether the temperature measurement is unreasonable or stuck at a high value.

Disable power stage


Power board under temperature

Low temperature limit measured on control circuit.

Check cabinet ventilation system.

Disable power stage


Regen over temperature.

High temperature limit measured on regen circuit.

Check cabinet ventilation system and ambient temperature. Check fan operation. Investigate motion that could cause regen circuit to remove power from high DC bus for an extended time.

Disable power stage.


Regen under temperature.

Low temperature limit measured on regen circuit.

Check cabinet ventilation system and ambient temperature

Disable power stage.


Issued command timed out.

Processing a command took longer than the command timeout (10-60 sec depending on the command).

Try reducing the CPU load of the drive by deactivating unused features or changing the fieldbus cycle time.

Controlled stop


Failed to default parameters.

Drive parameters could not be reset to default because an axis was enabled.

Disable all axes.

Disable power stage


Internal firmware error.

A problem with an internal calculation or data check is preventing the drive from operating correctly.

  1. Reboot the drive.

  2. Contact Customer Support.

Disable power stage


Operation in Position Mode with Halls Only feedback not allowed.

Operation in Position Mode with Halls Only feedback not allowed.

Set your drive’s mode of operation to velocity or torque when using a Halls Only feedback.



Thread watchdog

Unresponsive firmware thread.

Clear faults. If problem persists, contact Customer Support.

Controlled stop


Action Table fault

This fault is triggered by an action in the action table (when Task = “24 – Fault Axis”).

Investigate condition that caused fault to trigger. To disable, deactivate the action task that is set to trigger this fault.

Controlled stop


16kHz loop timing above threshold.

The 16kHz loop took longer than 75% of the total period to complete, likely meaning the drive processor is overloaded. See DRV.CPUPERCENT to monitor processor load.

Disable user MechaWare models and clear the action table to reduce the processor load, or change DRV.FAULT3008.ACTION to 1 to ignore this condition.

  • Ignoring this fault may cause non-prioritized features like WorkBench communications to sporadically not work.

Disable power stage


MechaWare Model contains a block with invalid configuration.

One or more MechaWare Model blocks exists with an invalid configuration.

See MW.FAULTS for verbose output regarding the exact block configuration(s) that are invalid and how to resolve them.

Disable power stage


MechaWare Model was made with an unsupported library.

The version of a MechaWare model loaded is incompatible with the version of drive firmware installed.

See MW.FAULTS for verbose output regarding the specific version incompatibility and how to resolve.

Disable power stage


MechaWare Models are missing Motor Torque block.

Across all active MechaWare models, there is no Torque Output for all axes.

  1. Verify models are turned on.

  2. If using User Models, check that models contain a Motor Torque block and the axis number is correct.

Disable power stage


EEO Faulted.

EEO is not working due to an error [EEO#.STATUS is 11 (Faulted)].

If the Output - Encoder Emulation is using an SFA, make sure the SFA is connected correctly. If the axis is not supposed to be faulted when the EEO is not working, change the configuration in EEO#.FAULTAXIS.
For more information see: Feedback Connector X41 (SFA, accessory)

Controlled stop.


Feedback Parity fault

Feedback Parity fault

Check feedback settings. If problem persists, Contact Customer Support.

Dynamic braking


Feedback Overrun fault

Feedback Overrun fault

Check feedback settings. If problem persists, Contact Customer Support.

Dynamic braking


Feedback Framing fault

Feedback Framing fault

Check feedback settings. If problem persists, Contact Customer Support.

Dynamic braking


Feedback CRC fault

Feedback CRC fault

Check feedback settings. If problem persists, Contact Customer Support.

Dynamic braking


Feedback Communication Timeout fault

Feedback Communication Timeout fault

Check feedback settings. If problem persists, Contact Customer Support.

Dynamic braking


Feedback Initialization Sequence fault

Feedback Initialization Sequence fault

Check feedback settings. If problem persists, Contact Customer Support.

Dynamic braking


Feedback Temperature fault

Feedback Temperature fault

Check feedback settings. If problem persists, Contact Customer Support.

Dynamic braking


Feedback Battery fault

Feedback battery fault

Check feedback settings. If problem persists, Contact Customer Support.

Dynamic braking


Feedback Sensor fault

Feedback Sensor fault

Check feedback settings. If problem persists, Contact Customer Support.

Dynamic braking


Feedback Unique Fault 0

Feedback Device-Unique Fault 0

F4x09 Detailed Troubleshooting Steps

Dynamic braking


Feedback Device -Unique Fault 1

Feedback Device-Unique Fault 1

Check feedback settings. If problem persists, Contact Customer Support.

Dynamic braking


Feedback Analog Signal fault

Feedback Analog Signal fault

Check feedback settings. If problem persists, Contact Customer Support.

Dynamic braking


Feedback Broken Wire fault

Feedback broken wire

Check feedback wiring.

Dynamic braking


Feedback Power Supply fault

Feedback power supply fault

Check feedback wiring.

Dynamic braking


Feedback, Illegal Hall State (111 or 000)

Feedback, Illegal Hall State (111 or 000)

Check Hall wiring.

Dynamic braking


Failed to set feedback type.

Failed to set feedback type.

Check feedback settings and wiring.

Dynamic braking


Failed to read motor parameters from feedback device.

Motor does not have motor feedback memory or the motor feedback memory is not programmed properly so the parameters cannot be read.

Try to read parameters again by clicking the Disable and Clear Faults button or by issuing the AXIS#.CLRFAULTS command. If this is not successful, then set AXIS#.MOTOR.AUTOSET to 0 (off) and program the parameters using the setup wizard or manually set up the parameters. If the motor has motor memory (BiSS Analog, EnDat, and SFD motors have motor memory), return the motor to have the memory programmed.

Dynamic braking


SFA communication fault

Communication error between the SFA and the drive.

Check cabling between the SFA and the drive.

Dynamic braking


SFA over current

Feedback power supply over current.

Check for short-circuit in the cable between the SFA and the drive.

Dynamic braking


SFA under voltage

High wire resistance or short on cable between SFA and drive.

Check for loose wiring between the SFA and the drive.

Dynamic braking


Feedback: safety fault

Feedback safety system has faulted.

Check for damaged encoder. Replace if problem persists.

Dynamic braking


Feedback: Watchdog fault

Feedback subsystem stopped responding.

Internal system fault. Report failure to Kollmorgen.

Dynamic braking


Unrecognized feedback fault.

FPGA reported unrecognized fault.

Issue AXIS#.CLRFAULTS . If problem persists, contact Customer Support.

Dynamic braking


SFA Resident FPGA not valid.

Check if FPGA file on SFA failed.

Restart drive and reselect SFA feedback type. Update to latest SFA firmware. If problem persists, contact Customer Support.

Disable power stage


SFA Operational FPGA not valid.

Check if FPGA file on SFA failed.

Restart drive and reselect SFA feedback type. Update to latest SFA firmware. If problem persists, contact Customer Support.

Disable power stage


SFA FPGA file read failed.

FPGA file on SFA could not be read due to communication issue.

Restart drive and reselect SFA feedback type. Update to latest SFA firmware. If problem persists, contact Customer Support.

Disable power stage


SFA Factory file read failed.

Configuration file on SFA could not be read due to communication issue.

Restart drive and reselect SFA feedback type. If problem persists, contact Customer Support.

Disable power stage


Firmware and SFA versions are not compatible.

The SFA major version does not match the version the firmware expects.

F4x27 Detailed Troubleshooting Steps

Disable power stage


The feedback position changed while the power was off and Store Multiturn enabled.

The feedback position changed while the power was off and Store Multiturn enabled.

  1. Disable Store Multiturn (see FB#.STOREMULTITURN.ENABLE).
  2. Clear faults (see AXIS#.CLRFAULTS ).
  3. Re-enable Store Multiturn.
  4. The fault is removed and the stored multiturn counts reset to zero.

Disable power stage


The Store Multiturn feature requires an absolute device.

The Store Multiturn feature requires an absolute device.

  1. Disable Store Multiturn (see FB#.STOREMULTITURN.ENABLE).
  2. Attach an absolute feedback.
  3. Configure the absolute feedback (see FB#.SELECT).
  4. Clear faults (see AXIS#.CLRFAULTS ).
  5. Re-enable Store Multiturn.
  6. The fault is removed and the stored multiturn counts reset to zero.

Disable power stage


SFA model does not support feedback type

There are several different SFA models and each supports a different set of feedback devices. You are using an SFA that does not support the feedback selected with FB#.SELECT.

  • AKD2G-CON-SFA-R00 only supports resolver feedbacks

  • AKD2G-CON-SFA-E00 does not support resolver feedbacks

  1. Change FB#.SELECT to select a feedback type that is compatible with your SFA.
  2. Change the SFA for a model that supports the feedback you have selected.

Disable power stage


Motor overheated.

Motor overheated.

Check ambient temperature. Check motor mounting heat sink capability.

Controlled stop


Brake 1 current out of range.

Brake 1 current out of range detected on drive with pass-thru hardware. Brake 1 current measurement error on drive with SMM hardware.

Check brake wiring.

Dynamic braking


Brake 2 current out of range.

Brake 2 current out of range detected on drive with pass-thru hardware. Brake 2 current measurement error on drive with SMM hardware.

Check brake wiring.

Dynamic braking


Brake applied when it should be released.

Motor brake closed unexpectedly.

Check cabling and general functionality.

Dynamic braking


Brake released when it should be applied.

Brake disengaged unexpectedly.

Check cabling and general functionality.

Controlled stop


Drive motor parameters setup incomplete.

Before a motor can be enabled, you must configure a minimum set of parameters. These parameters have not been configured.

Issue the command AXIS#.SETUPREQLIST to display the list of the parameters you must configure. Configure these parameters manually or automatically. You can manually configure these parameters in three ways:

  1. Set each parameter individually.

  2. Use the setup wizard to select the motor.

  3. Select the motor type from the motor data base in the Motor window.AXIS#.MOTOR.AUTOSET must be set to 0 [off]). If you use the Motor window, you must first select the feedback type. If the motor has BiSS Analog, EnDat, or SFD feedback (feedback with memory), then these parameters are set automatically when AXIS#.MOTOR.AUTOSET is set to 1 (on).

Disable power stage


Temperature sensor detected open circuit.

Motor thermal sensor measurement indicates expected sensor is not connected.

Check temperature sensor connection. Verify thermal sensor type (AXIS#.MOTOR.RTYPE) is correct.

Controlled stop


Brake 1 under current.

Brake 1 current too low on drive with SMM hardware.

Check brake wiring.

Dynamic braking


Brake 2 under current.

Brake 2 current too low on drive with SMM hardware.

Check brake wiring.

Dynamic braking


Brake 1 over current.

Brake 1 current too high on drive with SMM hardware.

Check brake wiring.

Dynamic braking


Brake 2 over current.

Brake 2 current too high on drive with SMM hardware.

Check brake wiring.

Dynamic braking


AXIS#.IL.FBSOURCE has unidentified feedback selected.

The type of the feedback referenced by AXIS#.IL.FBSOURCE was not identified successfully.

Check the connection for the feedback referenced by AXIS#.IL.FBSOURCE. Check FB#.SELECT is correct for the feedback.

Disable power stage


AXIS#.VL.FBSOURCE has unidentified feedback selected.

The type of the feedback referenced by AXIS#.VL.FBSOURCE was not identified successfully.

Check the connection for the feedback referenced by AXIS#.VL.FBSOURCE . Check FB#.SELECT is correct for the feedback.

Disable power stage


AXIS#.PL.FBSOURCE has unidentified feedback selected.

The type of the feedback referenced by AXIS#.PL.FBSOURCE was not identified successfully.

Check the connection for the feedback referenced by AXIS#.PL.FBSOURCE . Check FB#.SELECT is correct for the feedback.

Disable power stage


Sensorless control only available in velocity mode.

Axis whose op mode is not velocity is configured for sensorless control.

Set AXIS#.OPMODE = 1 (Velocity Mode).

Disable power stage


Wake and Shake - Insufficient movement

There was less movement than defined by AXIS#.WS.DISTMIN

Increase AXIS#.WS.IMAX and/or AXIS#.WS.T . Or try using AXIS#.WS.MODE 1 or 2.

Disable power stage


Wake and Shake - Excess movement

AXIS#.WS.DISTMAX has been exceeded in AXIS#.WS.MODE 0. Or more than 360 degrees was traveled in AXIS#.WS.MODE 2.

Increase AXIS#.WS.DISTMAX value or reduce AXIS#.WS.IMAX or AXIS#.WS.T . Wake and Shake is not supported for vertical/overhung loads.

Disable power stage


Wake and Shake - Fine-Coarse delta too large

The angle difference between the coarse and fine calculation was larger than 72 deg.

Modify AXIS#.WS.IMAX or AXIS#.WS.T and try again.

Disable power stage


Wake and Shake - Over speed

AXIS#.WS.VTHRESH was exceeded.

Increase AXIS#.WS.VTHRESH value or reduce AXIS#.WS.IMAX or AXIS#.WS.T .

Disable power stage


Wake and Shake - Loop angle delta too large

The angle between complete loops was larger than 72 deg.

Modify AXIS#.WS.IMAX or AXIS#.WS.T and try again.

Disable power stage


Wake and Shake - Commutation not initialized

The motor requires the commutation initialization (there are no encoder commutation tracks, Hall sensors, etc.) and no successful Wake and Shake sequence has been performed.

Clear any faults, activate the Wake and Shake procedure (AXIS#.WS.ARM ), and enable the drive.

Disable power stage


Wake and Shake - Motor U phase missing

No current was detected in the motor's U phase during Wake and Shake initialization (Mode 0 only).

Check the motor connections and AXIS#.WS.IMAX (very low current may produce this error).

Disable power stage


Wake and Shake - Motor V phase missing

No current was detected in the motor's V phase during Wake and Shake initialization (Mode 0 only).

Check the motor connections and AXIS#.WS.IMAX (very low current may produce this error).

Disable power stage


Wake and Shake - Motor W phase missing

No current was detected in the motor's W phase during Wake and Shake initialization (Mode 0 only).

Check the motor connections and AXIS#.WS.IMAX (very low current may produce this error).

Disable power stage


Wake and Shake - validating positive movement failed

After applying a positive current, motor moved in the wrong direction.

Check motor phase wiring and motor encoder wiring is correct.

Disable power stage


Wake and Shake - validating negative movement failed

After applying a negative current, motor moved in the wrong direction.

Check motor phase wiring and motor encoder wiring is correct.

Disable power stage


Wake and Shake - validating comm. angle timed out

During one of the Wake and Shake validation stages, the drive stopped responding to commands.

Contact Customer Support.

Disable power stage


Wake and Shake - validating comm. angle moved too far - bad comm angle

After applying a current, the motor moved too far (>15 electrical degrees).

This indicates a poor motor phase angle was found by Wake and Shake. Revise Wake and Shake parameters and re-run Wake and Shake.

Disable power stage


Wake and Shake - validating comm. angle required more than AXIS#.MOTOR.ICONT

A current larger than AXIS#.MOTOR.ICONT was used to excite the motor.

This indicates one of the following:

  • Phase angle is incorrect due to a bad wake and shake.
  • Motor has very high friction requiring high current to break free.
  • Motor power cable is disconnected or improperly wired.

Disable power stage


Wake and Shake - limit switch hit

A digital input configured as a limit switch through the action table has triggered or the position feedback is outside software position limits.

Move the load away from the limits.

Disable power stage


Wake and Shake is not compatible with Gantry configurations.

Wake and Shake was started with an axis configured as a Gantry.

Make sure no axis has Gantry as its Command Source.

Disable power stage


Wake and Shake is not supported when AXIS#.IL.OFFSET is non-zero

Wake and Shake was started with AXIS#.IL.OFFSET set to a non-zero value.

Set AXIS#.IL.OFFSET to zero until commutation has been established.

Disable power stage


Over speed

Motor exceeded AXIS#.VL.THRESH .

Increase AXIS#.VL.THRESH or lower velocity command.

Dynamic braking


Following error magnitude fault

Motor did not follow command values. Motor exceeded maximum allowed position following error (user).

Check feedback commutation setup and tuning parameters.

Controlled stop


Invalid commutation detected - motor accelerating in the wrong direction. Motor phase may be incorrect.

The velocity of the motor exceeded AXIS#.WS.CHECKV and the sign of the current was not equal to the sign of motor acceleration or the sign of motor velocity for a period of time larger than AXIS#.WS.CHECKT.

  1. Check motor phase wiring.
  2. Re-configure Wake and Shake (if Mode 0 or 1 is used).
  3. Re-run Wake and Shake to determine correct commutation angle.

Dynamic braking


Instability during autotune

Drive current (AXIS#.IL.CMD ) or velocity feedback (AXIS#.VL.FB ) exceeds allowable limit (AXIS#.BODE.IFLIMIT or AXIS#.BODE.VFLIMIT). This fault only occurs in AXIS#.BODE.MODE 5. This fault often occurs when complex mechanics, belts, and compliant loads are present.

Change AXIS#.BODE.MODE if appropriate. If AXIS#.BODE.MODE 5 is appropriate and the fault occurs at the end of an Autotuning, then the motor is not robustly stable. You can manually adjust Autotuner settings. Manual tuning may be required to make the motor stable.

Controlled stop


Target position was overshot due to invalid motion task activation.

The drive cannot decelerate from its current speed to reach the end point of the second Motion Task without moving past it. Increase the deceleration rate in the move or trigger the move earlier.

Change Motion Task profile and clear fault with AXIS#.CLRFAULTS . Or change the value of AXIS#.FAULT6004.ACTION .


Default is 0: Disable Amplifier.


Emergency timeout occurred.

Motor did not stop in the timeout defined in AXIS#.DISTO .

Change timeout value, change stop parameters and improve tuning.

Disable power stage


Current home mode requires AXIS#.HOME.IPEAK to be set.

Some homing modes require AXIS#.HOME.IPEAK to be a non-zero value.

Set AXIS#.HOME.IPEAK to a non-zero value or use a different homing mode (AXIS#.HOME.MODE).

Disable power stage


Gantry master faulted.

The master axis of the gantry has faulted causing the slave to fault.

DRV.CLRFAULTS to clear both axes’ faults.



Gantry slave faulted.

The slave axis of the gantry has faulted causing the master to fault.

DRV.CLRFAULTS to clear both axes’ faults.



Sensorless control fault.

Sensorless observer unable to track motor angle.

Check that sensorless tuning parameters are correct. Investigate disturbances to axis motion.

Dynamic brake


Gearing feedback source is invalid.

The feedback selected as the gearing source is uninitialized or assigned to the same feedback being used as the commutation, velocity, or position feedback source.

Verify AXIS#.GEAR.FBSOURCE is not 0 and does not match the feedback being used for AXIS#.IL.FBSOURCE, AXIS#.VL.FBSOURCE , AXIS#.PL.FBSOURCE .

Controlled stop


Gantry position error fault


Increase warning threshold, fix mechanical linkage, improve tuning or remove disturbances.

Disable power stage


Fieldbus communication lost.


Fieldbus: All but Modbus.


EtherNet/IP Explanation: EtherNet/IP connection timed out

All fieldbus communication was lost.


EtherNet/IP Potential Causes: Cable disconnection or network issues between PLC and drive

Check fieldbus connections, settings, and control unit.


EtherNet/IP Remedies: Ensure the network cable is connected to the fieldbus port on the drive and there is nothing preventing passage of network packets between the PLC and the drive

Controlled stop


Fieldbus sync frames lost.


Fieldbus: EtherCAT

The fieldbus lost synchronization.

Check fieldbus connection or the settings of your EtherCAT or CANopen master.

Controlled stop


Fieldbus Heartbeat lost


Fieldbus: EtherCAT

Heartbeat lost.

Check CANopen cabling. Reduce bus load or increase the heartbeat update time.

Controlled stop


PLL failed to lock.


Fieldbus: All but Modbus.


EtherNet/IP Explanation: PLL took too long to lock

Fieldbus PLL failed to lock.


EtherNet/IP Potential Causes: A connection was made, causing the PLL to try to lock, but a lost or inconsistent update rate caused the lock to fail


Check fieldbus wiring and settings.


Remedies: Check that the connection is consistent between drive and PLC.

Controlled stop


PLL lost lock.


Fieldbus: All with PLL (comes with FPGA).


EtherNet/IP Explanation: PLL lost lock

Fieldbus PLL lost lock.


EtherNet/IP Potential Causes:

Check fieldbus wiring and settings


EtherNet/IP Remedies: Check that connection is consistent between drive and PLC

Controlled stop


Fieldbus cyclic setpoints missing.


Fieldbus: EtherCAT, EtherNet/IP


EtherNet/IP Explanation: Missed too many packets from the PLC

Fieldbus communication interrupted.


EtherNet/IP Potential Causes: Drive missed three or more packets with streaming active, or twelve or more packets in a row without streaming active

Check fieldbus wiring and settings.

EtherNet/IP Remedies:

Controlled stop


Fieldbus initialization failed.


Fieldbus: All but Modbus


EtherNet/IP drives: Incompatible internal EtherNet/IP Adapter firmware version installed.


EtherNet/IP Explanation: EtherNet/IP fieldbus initialization failed

CAN-wiring might be wrong or internal failure.


EtherNet/IP Potential Causes: Bad internal EtherNet/IP Adapter firmware or other internal issue.

Check CAN-wiring and termination or contact Customer Support.


For EtherNet/IP drives, install the correct internal EtherNet/IP Adapter firmware version for the installed drive firmware version. The installed internal EtherNet/IP Adapter firmware version can be viewed with the EIP.INFO keyword.

Controlled stop


Sign of life error counter exceeded threshold.


Fieldbus: PROFINET

PROFINET synchronization issues. The PLC sign of life counter is not increasing by 1 each cycle, indicating missed samples.

Check Ethernet cables, PLC load, network issues.

Controlled stop


Telegram configuration invalid.


Fieldbus: PROFINET

The free mapping telegram or supplemental telegram is used and is configured incorrectly. Verify no duplicate signals are mapped and 32-bit signals are mapped correctly (two 16-bit slots used).

Correct the telegram configuration.

Controlled stop


Fieldbus shutdown.


Fieldbus: EtherNet/IP, PROFINET


EtherNet/IP Explanation: EtherNet/IP application shutdown unexpectedly

Internal drive firmware error.


EtherNet/IP Potential Causes: Bad internal EtherNet/IP Adapter firmware

Reboot the drive. If problem persists, contact Customer Support.


EtherNet/IP Remedies: Check internal EtherNet/IP Adapter firmware is correct using EIP.INFO.

Controlled stop


EtherCAT synchronization error


Fieldbus: EtherCAT

The error counter limit 10F1h sub 2 (ECAT.MAXSYNCERROR) was exceeded by one of the error counters defined by object 1C33h sub 11 or 13. It is possible, but not recommended, to switch the supervision off by setting a value of 0.

Either change the input shift via object 1C33h sub 3 (ECAT.INPUTSHIFTU) or try to minimize the EtherCAT master’s jitter.

Controlled stop


Fieldbus cyclic setpoint buffer overload


Fieldbus: EtherNet/IP


EtherNet/IP Description: The interpolator queue was full but still received another point

Update rate mismatch that results in receiving more points than are being consumed

Check that the PLC update rate (Motion Group) is not faster than Stream Period

Controlled stop


Fieldbus velocity command too low.

Fieldbus commanded a velocity lower than the minimum limit.

Note: This fault is disabled by default. See AXIS#.FAULT7015.ACTION .

Increase fieldbus velocity command or change AXIS#.FAULT7015.ACTION to allow motion to continue. If motion continues, the velocity will be clamped at AXIS#.VL.LIMITN.

See AXIS#.FAULT7015.ACTION Default is 1: Ignore (Fault will not be reported).


Fieldbus velocity command too high.

Fieldbus commanded a velocity higher than the maximum limit.

Note: This fault is disabled by default. See AXIS#.FAULT7016.ACTION .

Reduce fieldbus commanded velocity or change AXIS#.FAULT7016.ACTION to allow motion to continue. If motion continues, the velocity will be clamped at AXIS#.VL.LIMITP.

See AXIS#.FAULT7016.ACTION . Default is 1: Ignore. (Fault will not be reported).


Fieldbus position setpoints took too long to be updated.


Fieldbus: EtherNet/IP

Drive received at least three fieldbus commands in a row that arrived later than expected. This fault can also be triggered by commands with timestamps that are older than or the same as the previous command received.

  • Configure timing properly on the controller side. Ensure the drive and controller clocks are being synchronized. Verify EIP.PLLMODE is set to 1 (CIP Sync).

  • Check that PLC update rate (Motion Group) is not slower than Stream Period and that the PLC program is updating the time for each point


Controlled stop


Modbus watchdog timer expired


Fieldbus: Modbus

The Ethernet connection from the HMI to the AKD2G was broken unexpectedly. Possible causes are the cable is disconnected or broken or power is lost to the HMI or any Ethernet switches.


Fix the cable or fix the HMI power to switches.

Controlled stop


Modbus keepalive detected connection loss


Fieldbus: Modbus

The Ethernet connection from the HMI to the AKD2G was broken unexpectedly. Possible causes are the cable is disconnected or broken or power is lost to the HMI or any Ethernet switches.


Fix the cable or fix the HMI power to switches.

Controlled stop


Safe torque off.

Safe torque off function has been triggered. F9000 is only generated if AXIS#.SAFE.STO.REPORTFAULT is 1.

Reapply supply voltage to STO if safe to do so.

Disable power stage


SMM communication failed.

Safe Motion Module not communicating as expected.

Contact Customer Support.

Disable power stage


Incorrect safety card detected.

Physical SMM module does not match the expected module.

Contact Customer Support.

Disable power stage


Safe torque off digital and analog lines don't match.

Hardware fault on the power board .

Restart Drive. If issue persists, contact technical support.

Controlled stop


STO Simultaneity

The two STO inputs did not change state within 100 ms of each other.

Check wiring and safety apparatus

Controlled stop


SMM in failed state.

SMM detected a safety I/O failure and faulted. This can be caused by: digital I/O pulse failed, STO pulse failed, encoder position failure, or serial communication failed.

Determine cause and replace necessary hardware if issue reoccurs.

Controlled stop


Safe brake parameters inconsistent.

The safe parameter, AXIS#.SAFEPARAM.SBC​.BRAKE#ATTACHED, indicate a brake is attached, but non-safe brake keywords, AXIS#.MOTOR.BRAKE , BRAKE#.AXIS, do not and drive was enabled.

From the safety parameter screen in WorkBench under safe brake control (SBC), verify the SBC Brake parameters agree with the drive related parameters that a brake is configured or not.


The keywords AXIS#.MOTOR.BRAKE , BRAKE#.AXIS, and safe brake control configuration (SBC) all must agree with each other. For example, if no brake is present AXIS#.MOTOR.BRAKE should be 0 and safe parameters for SBC should indicate ‘Not Configured’. If brake is present, AXIS#.MOTOR.BRAKE should be 1, BRAKE#.AXIS should be assigned to proper axis, and safe parameters for SBC should be set to ‘Configured…’.


AXIS#.SAFEPARAM.SBC.BRAKE1ATTACHED and AXIS#.SAFEPARAM.SBC.BRAKE2ATTACHED can be verified for the currently active safe parameters.

Disable power stage

Warning Table

A list of all possible warnings can be found by using DRV.WARNINGLIST.

Warning Description Cause Remedy
W1000 Fan stalled. Fan speed is too slow. Power Cycle drive. If problem persists, contact Customer Support.
W1001 Sync timer PLL FPGA Synchronization is off. Update to latest firmware. If problem persists, contact Customer Support.
W1500 Drive in fallback. The regular drive firmware has experienced a fatal issue and is running in recovery mode. Contact Kollmorgen Customer Support
W1501 Test control board FPGA loaded. A test FPGA image is on the control board. Load official release firmware.
W1502 Test power FPGA loaded. A test FPGA image is on the power board. Load official release firmware.
W1503 Test firmware loaded. Non-release test firmware detected. Load official release firmware.
W1504 Incorrect EDS parameter definitions. An electronic data sheet file containing drive identity information has inconsistent parameter definitions. The parameters are set to default values that allow the drive to operate. This condition is rare, but may occur after a firmware udpate.
  1. Continue to use the drive with the default parameter values.

  2. Contact Customer Support.

W2001 Drive foldback imminent! Reduce Load. Current command is high enough to trip Drive Foldback threshold. Decrease current command by softening tuning gains or a less aggressive motion trajectory. If problem persists, application may require a drive with larger power rating.
W2002 Motor foldback imminent! Reduce Load. Current command is high enough to trip Motor Foldback threshold. Decrease current command by softening tuning gains or a less aggressive motion trajectory. If problem persists, application may require a motor with larger power rating.
W2003 Motor I2t load! Reduce load. Current command is high enough to trip Motor I²t threshold. Decrease current command by softening tuning gains or a less aggressive motion trajectory. If problem persists, application may require a motor with larger power rating.
W2006 Bus over voltage Line voltage spiked above VBUS.OVWTHRESH, or motor back emf generated voltage above VBUS.OVWTHRESH. Clear faults. If problem persists, determine source of voltage spike. If problem is power related, power conditioning may be required. If voltage spike is due to motor back-emf, a regen resistor may be required for the application.
W2007 Bus under voltage Bus voltage dipped below VBUS.UVWTHRESH Check supply voltage.
W2008 Bus capacitor overloaded Internal voltage spiked above VBUS.OVWTHRESH or motor back emf generated voltage above VBUS.OVWTHRESH. Clear faults. If problem persists, determine source of voltage spike. If problem is power related, power conditioning may be required. If voltage spike is due to motor back emf, a regen resistor may be required for the application.
W2010 Regen energy critical Regen resistor is reaching its capacity. Decrease aggressiveness of motion profile or use larger size regen resistor.
W2011 No Power on IO 24V rail

24 volts was not detected on x21 connector.

  • Digital outputs will not be functional without 24V.
Connect +24V to B3 (24V_I/O) on x21 and GND to B4 (GND_I/O) on x21 and verify wire integrity.
W2012 Initial DC bus is greater than regen threshold The DC bus voltage is being charged to a steady state voltage greater than the operating threshold of the regen circuits. W2012 Detailed Troubleshooting Steps
W2014 AC input phase loss

Occurs when the drive hardware:

  1. Detects the loss of one or more phases when configured for three-phase AC input, or
  2. Detects AC input power loss when configured for single-phase AC input.
F2014 Detailed Troubleshooting Steps
W2019 AC input power loss Power loss was detected on AC mains. Check mains input. If using DC mains, set VBUS.DCOPERATION to 1.
W2500 Control over temperature Low temperature limit measured on power board circuit. Increase air circulation around drive box and check fan operation.
W2501 Power board over temperature Internal power board temperature is overheating. Increase air circulation around drive box and check fan operation.
W2502 Control under temperature Internal control board is getting below specified operating temperature. Check cabinet ventilation system and ambient temperature.
W2503 Power board under temperature. Internal power board is getting below specified operating temperature. Check cabinet ventilation system and ambient temperature.
W2504 Regen over temperature. Regen circuit temperature is overheating. Increase air circulation around drive box and check fan operation. Investigate motion that could cause regen circuit to remove power from high DC bus for an extended time.
W2505 Regen under temperature. Internal regen circuit temperature is getting below specified operating temperature. Check cabinet ventilation system and ambient temperature.
W3001 Ethernet interface throttled. Packets are arriving at Ethernet interface faster than the drive can process. Check devices that could be sending packets to the drive. If possible, move the drive to a different or dedicated LAN.
W3007 Action table error. The drive encountered an error during execution of an action task. See ACTION.ERRORS / ACTION#.ERROR for more information. Only trigger actions if their task can be executed. ACTION.ERRORS / ACTION#.ERROR will indicate why the task failed.


A MechaWare model has a configuration problem.

Across all active MechaWare models there exists at least one missing or duplicate block that is expected.

  1. Verify correct models are active.

  2. See MW.WARNINGS for verbose output regarding the exact blocks that are missing or duplicated.

  3. Modify user models and add/remove the missing/duplicated blocks noted.


An axis is missing its Motor Torque block.

Across all active MechaWare models an axis is missing its Motor Torque block.

  1. Verify correct models are active.

  2. Modify user models and add required block for each axis.


An axis has a duplicate Motor Torque block.

Across all active MechaWare models there is more than one Motor Torque block for an axis.

  1. Verify correct models are active.
  2. Modify user models and remove extra blocks.
W4x00 Feedback Parity warning Feedback Parity warning Check feedback settings. If problem persists, contact Customer Support.
W4x01 Feedback Overrun warning Feedback Overrun warning Check feedback settings. If problem persists, contact Customer Support.
W4x02 Feedback Framing warning Feedback Framing warning Check feedback settings. If problem persists, contact Customer Support.
W4x03 Feedback CRC warning Feedback CRC warning Check feedback settings. If problem persists, contact Customer Support.
W4x04 Feedback Communication Timeout warning Feedback Communication Timeout warning Check feedback settings. If problem persists, contact Customer Support.
W4x05 Feedback Initialization Sequence warning Feedback Initialization Sequence warning Check feedback settings. If problem persists, contact Customer Support.
W4x06 Feedback Temperature warning Feedback Temperature warning Check feedback settings. If problem persists, contact Customer Support.
W4x07 Feedback Battery warning Feedback Battery warning Check feedback settings. If problem persists, contact Customer Support.
W4x08 Feedback Sensor warning Feedback Sensor warning Check feedback settings. If problem persists, contact Customer Support.
W4x09 Feedback Device-Unique Warning 0 Feedback Device-Unique Warning 0 Check feedback settings. If problem persists, contact Customer Support.
W4x10 Feedback Device-Unique Warning 1 Feedback Device-Unique Warning 1 Check feedback settings. If problem persists, contact Customer Support.
W4x11 Warning: Gearing feedback source fault Fault condition was detected on position feedback device referenced by AXIS#.GEAR.FBSOURCE.
  1. Verify AXIS#.GEAR.FBSOURCE is set correctly.
  2. Fix fault condition on feedback specified by AXIS#.GEAR.FBSOURCE, and clear faults.
W4x12 Test SFA FPGA loaded. A test FPGA image is on the SFA. Load official release firmware.
W4x13 Feedback hall sequence invalid. The drive detected a bad hall sequence usually due to incorrect hall wiring. Physically wire the hall signals correctly or use FB#.HALLMAP.U/FB#.HALLMAP.V/FB#.HALLMAP.W to virtually wire the hall signals correctly.
W4x31 Feedback hall sequence invalid. The halls on the motor with the specified feedback were detected out of sequence. Monitor FB#.HALLSTATE (must use FB#.MONITOR* keywords when using an SFA) to determine which hall signal is out of sequence and correct wiring or run the motor setup wizard. In rare instances the halls sensors may have become mispositioned and need repair.


Feedback rolled over. The drive’s accumulated position is outside of the encoder’s range. Absolute position will be lost when power cycling the drive or reinitializing the feedback. Disable the warning using FB#.ROLLOVERWEN or move motor back into encoder’s position range.
W5000 Motor overheated Motor overheated Check ambient temperature and motor mounting heat sink capability.
W5006 Motor temperature supervision inactive. AXIS#.MOTOR.RSOURCE selected an invalid mechanism for reading motor temperature.
Example: using an incremental encoder but setting AXIS#.MOTOR.RSOURCE to read temperature digitally from the encoder.
Make sure AXIS#.MOTOR.RSOURCE matches the capabilities of the feedback / connector that is being used.
W5007 Brake override active, but no brake configured. Brake override is active on an axis that has no brake configured. The parameter AXIS#.MOTOR​.BRAKECONTROL overrides actual brake control of the drive.
W5008 Brake override active Brake override active The parameter AXIS#.MOTOR​.BRAKECONTROL overrides actual brake control of the drive.
W5500 Wake and Shake - Over speed AXIS#.WS.VTHRESH was exceeded. Increase AXIS#.WS.VTHRESH value or reduce AXIS#.WS.IMAX or AXIS#.WS.T .
W5515 Wake and Shake is not compatible with Gantry configurations. Wake and Shake was armed with an axis configured as a Gantry. Make sure no axis has Gantry as its Command.
W5516 Wake and Shake is not supported when AXIS#.IL.OFFSET is non-zero. Wake and Shake was started with AXIS#.IL.OFFSET set to a non-zero value. Set AXIS#.IL.OFFSET to zero until commutation has been established.
W6000 When a motion task, service motion or homing move is started, the drive checks to see if the motion would exceed the range given by AXIS#.VL.LIMITP and AXIS#.VL.LIMITN. If this range is exceeded, the motion is modified to be within range and this warning is generated. This warning is latched and only cleared if a new motion is commanded or AXIS#.CLRFAULTS is used. This means the last motion started was modified to fit into the velocity limits. Last motion command exceeds velocity limit. Starting any new motion or using AXIS#.CLRFAULTS clears the warning. To ensure the warning is not immediately generated again make sure the motion task or service motion target velocity is within the AXIS#.VL.LIMITP and AXIS#.VL.LIMITN range.
W6001 Following error magnitude fault. Motor did not follow command values. Motor exceeded maximum allowed position following error AXIS#.PL.ERRWTHRESH . Check feedback commutation setup and tuning parameters.
W6002 Homing is needed. Attempt to issue motion task before the axis is homed. Axis must be homed before motion task can start. Change opmode or home axis.
W6003 OPMODE incompatible with CMDSOURCE This warning is generated when the drive is enabled and the gearing command source is selected at the same time as torque or velocity opmode. Select a different AXIS#.OPMODE and AXIS#.CMDSOURCE combination.
W6004 Zero velocity when using induction sensorless feedback type in torque mode. Zero velocity when using induction sensorless feedback type in torque mode. Check motor wiring and tuning parameters. If problem persists, contact Customer Support.
W6005 Velocity has been limited commutation speed to less than 600Hz to meet ECCN 3A225 requirements. Motor Velocity has exceeded the allowed commutation speed (599Hz). Refer to Frequency / Velocity Limitation for Open Loop Motor Control.
W6006 Positive limit switch triggered A digital input is configured as positive limit switch (DINx.MODE 18) and its state is “off” or a positive software position limit is configured (AXIS#.SWLS.EN) and the actual position AXIS#.PL.FB is greater than the configured limit (see also AXIS#.SWLS.LIMIT#). Move the load away from the limits.
W6007 Negative limit switch triggered A digital input is configured as negative limit switch (DINx.MODE 19) and its state is “off” or a negative software position limit is configured (AXIS#.SWLS.EN) and the actual position AXIS#.PL.FB is less than the configured limit (see also AXIS#.SWLS.LIMIT#). Move the load away from the limits.
W6008 Using derivative of position when using sensorless feedback type in position mode. Using derivative of position when using sensorless feedback type in position mode. Sensorless operation is not allowed for Position Mode - change AXIS#.OPMODE to Velocity Mode.

Following motion failed, check motion parameters.

Activation of the motion task failed due to incompatible parameters or motion task does not exist.

Activation of any new motion or use of AXIS#.CLRFAULTS clears the warning. Check following motion task settings and parameters to make sure the values entered will produce a valid motion task.

W6010 Target position crossed due to stop command. The motion task crosses the target position after triggering an AXIS#.STOP command. This can happen when processing a change on the fly motion task and triggering an AXIS#.STOP command close to the target position of the currently running motion task. Activation of any new motion or use of AXIS#.CLRFAULTS clears the warning.
W6011 Homing index pulse not found. A homing mode with index detection is activated and index pulse is not detected while moving across the range determined by the hardware limit switches. Activation of any new motion or use of AXIS#.CLRFAULTS clears the warning.
W6012 Homing reference switch not found. A homing mode with reference switch detection is activated and the reference switch is not detected while moving across the range determined by the hardware limit switches. Activation of any new motion or use ofAXIS#.CLRFAULTS clears the warning.

Motion task activation failed.

Activation of the motion task failed due to incompatible parameters or motion task does not exist. This warning can appear upon an AXIS#.MT.MOVE command.

Activation of any new motion or use of AXIS#.CLRFAULTS clears the warning. Check motion task settings and parameters to make sure that the values entered will produce a valid motion task.

W6015 Homing procedure failed. Homing error observed during the operation of homing procedure. Activation of any new motion or use of AXIS#.CLRFAULTS clears the warning.
W6017 Motion task target position is out. This warning appears with W6014. This warning is triggered when you try to trigger a motion task with an absolute target position outside of the selected modulo range (see also AXIS#.MT.CNTL). Move the absolute target position of the motion task within the modulo range. Activation of any new motion or use of AXIS#.CLRFAULTS clears the warning.
W6018 Motion task target position is out of software limits. Motion Task position has passed a software limit switch. Review software limit switch configuration and motion task configurations, and remove incompatibilities.
W6019 Invalid bit combination in the motion task controword. This warning appears with W6014. This warning is triggered when you try to trigger a motion task with an invalid bit combination in the motion task controword (see also AXIS#.MT.CNTL). Correct the AXIS#.MT.CNTL setting for the specific motion task. Activation of any new motion or use of AXIS#.CLRFAULTS clears the warning.
W6020 1:1 profile cannot be triggered on the fly. This warning appears with W6014. This warning is triggered when you try to trigger a 1:1 profile table motion task while another motion task is currently running. 1:1 profile table motion tasks should be started from velocity 0. Activation of any new motion or use of AXIS#.CLRFAULTS clears the warning.
W6021 Customer profile table is not initialized. This warning appears with W6014. This warning is triggered when you try to trigger a motion task that uses a customer profile table for generating the velocity profile and when the selected profile table is empty (see AXIS#.MT.CNTL and MT.TNUM ). Change the MT.TNUM parameter for this specific motion task to use an initialized profile table. Activation of any new motion or use of AXIS#.CLRFAULTS clears the warning.
W6022 Motion task activation is currently pending. A motion task tried to execute before the previous task was able to execute. Review application timing and allow for adequate time for each motion task to activate before requesting a subsequent motion.
W6023 Homing maximum distance exceeded. Homing maximum distance exceeded. Review tuning and parameter AXIS#.HOME.MAXDIST.
W6024 Motion task is not initialized. This warning appears with W6014. This warning is triggered when you try to trigger a non-initialized motion task. Initialize the motion task before starting the task. Activation of any new motion or use of DRV.CLRFAULTS clears the warning.
W6025 Homing and feedback mismatch A homing mode is selected which cannot work with the current feedback. For example, homing modes 3, 6, 10 and 11 require the feedback to provide a Z/index pulse and not all feedbacks provide this signal. If the homing move is started then it may run continuously because it is missing a signal from the feedback. Select a different homing mode or change the feedback being used.
W6026 Current homing mode requires AXIS#.HOME.IPEAK to be set by user. The homing mode selected requires that AXIS#.HOME.IPEAK is set to non-zero. Set AXIS#.HOME.IPEAK to a value non-zero.
W6027 Current command saturated. AXIS#.IL.CMD has exceeded AXIS#.IL.LIMITP or AXIS#.IL.LIMITN . Increase current limits (AXIS#.IL.LIMITP or AXIS#.IL.LIMITN ) or reduce load by decreasing trajectory acceleration/velocity.
W6028 Gear feedback source is invalid. The feedback selected as the gearing source is uninitialized or assigned to the same feedback being used as the commutation, velocity, or position feedback source. Verify AXIS#.GEAR.FBSOURCE is not 0 and does not match the feedback being used for AXIS#.IL/VL/PL.FBSOURCE.
W6029 Gantry Position error higher than warning threshold. GANTRY.PL.ERR exceeded GANTRY.PL.ERRWTHRESH. Increase warning threshold, fix mechanical linkage, improve tuning or remove disturbances.
W6030 Target position was overshot due to invalid Motion Task activation. The drive cannot decelerate from its current speed to reach the end point of the second Motion Task without moving past it. Increase the deceleration rate in the move or trigger the move earlier.

Note: This warning is only generated if AXIS#.FAULT6004.ACTION is set to 4.
Change Motion Task profile and clear fault with AXIS#.CLRFAULTS .
W7000 Fieldbus communication lost.

All fieldbus communication was lost.

Check fieldbus connections (X11/X12), settings and control unit.
W7001 Fieldbus sync frames lost. The fieldbus lost synchronization. Check fieldbus connection or the settings of your fieldbus master.
W7010 Telegram selected by keywords larger than telegram of PLC. PROFINET.USEMODULECFG is set to 0 and the telegram selected by AXIS#.PROFINET.TELEGRAMID/AXIS#.PROFINET.​SUPPTELEGRAMID is larger than the telegram configured in the PLC. Cyclic data will be truncated to the length of the PLC’s telegram. Change PROFINET.USEMODULECONFIG to use the PLC’s telegram in the drive or set AXIS#.PROFINET.TELEGRAMID/ AXIS#.PROFINET.​SUPPTELEGRAMID to a smaller telegram or change the PLC configuration to use a larger telegram.
W7011 EtherCAT Rx received before preparing Tx data finished.

Within one fieldbus cycle, Rx data from the master was received before the drive finished calculating and copying Tx data.

  • In order to catch quick glitches in the sync timing, this warning is latched at the first occurance and must be cleared by clearing faults.
Refer to Synchronization for details on how to validate and adjust EtherCAT synchronization settings or deactivate this warning by setting ECAT.ENRXWARN to 0.


IRT configured without isochronous mode. IRT has been enabled without setting isochronous mode when using telegrams 3 or 5 on either axis. It is recommended to enable isochronous mode in the PROFINET controller when using telegrams 3 or 5 to guarantee synchronization. If isochronous mode cannot be enabled, the warning can be disabled and bypassed by setting PROFINET.ENISOWARNING to 0.
W7014 EtherNet/IP dynamic map size exceeds assembly size. Adjustable sized EtherNet/IP assemblies are in use and either the dynamic command or response maps are larger than the assembly sizes. Either reduce the number of parameters mapped in the command/response maps or increase the size of the adjustable size EtherNet/IP assemblies being used by the PLC. See Dynamic Assemblies.
W7015 Fieldbus velocity command too low. Fieldbus commanded a velocity lower than the minimum limit.

Note: This warning is only generated if AXIS#.FAULT7015.ACTION is set to 4.
Increase fieldbus velocity command. Velocity is clamped at AXIS#.VL.LIMITN.
W7016 Fieldbus velocity command too high. Fieldbus commanded a velocity higher than the maximum limit.

Note: This warning is only generated if AXIS#.FAULT7016.ACTION is set to 4.
Reduce fieldbus velocity command. Velocity is clamped at AXIS#.VL.LIMITP.
W7018 Fieldbus cyclic position command not received in time. One or more fieldbus position setpoints took too long to arrive. If this occurs three or more times in a row, it will trigger F7019. Note: This warning is latched until the drive stops following controller position. Configure timing properly on the controller side. Ensure the drive and controller clocks are being synchronized. Verify EIP.PLLMODE is set to 1 (CIP Sync).


W9000 Warning: Safe torque off Safe torque off function has been triggered. W9000 is only generated if AXIS#.SAFE.STO.REPORTFAULT is 1. Reapply supply voltage to STO if safe to do so.
W9007 Safe brake parameters inconsistent. The safe parameters, AXIS#.SAFE.SBC.BRAKE#ATTACHED, indicate a brake is attached, but non-safe brake keywords, AXIS#.MOTOR.BRAKE , BRAKE#.AXIS, do not and drive was enabled.

From the safety parameter screen in WorkBench under safe brake control (SBC), verify the SBC Brake parameters agree with the drive related parameters that a brake is configured or not.


The keywords AXIS#.MOTOR.BRAKE, BRAKE#.AXIS, and SBC configuration all must agree with each other. For example, if no brake is present AXIS#.MOTOR.BRAKE should be 0 and safe parameters for SBC should indicate ‘Not Configured’. If brake is present, AXIS#.MOTOR.BRAKE should be 1, BRAKE#.AXIS should be assigned to proper axis, and safe parameters for SBC should be set to ‘Configured…’


AXIS#.SAFE.SBC.BRAKE1ATTACHED and AXIS#.SAFE.SBC.BRAKE2ATTACHED can be verified for the currently active safe parameters.

W9008 Warning: Brake Test Time Overflow A safe brake test has not been executed within the configured time limit. Extend safe brake test time limit or execute a safe brake test.
W9009 Warning: SMM Over Temperature Safe motion module is over temperature. Replace hardware.
W9010 Warning: SMM State not operational Safe motion module is not ready to enable. Verify safe ID and safe parameters are validated and correct. Check for other faults on the safe motion monitor.
W9011 SMM I/O failure detected. SMM I/O failure detected. Update to latest firmware. If problems persist, contact Customer Support.
W9012 Safe brake test cannot start. Pre-conditions are not met. Prepare the axis for a safe brake test. Axis must not be faulted, enabled, and at a standstill. All attached brakes must be released.
W9013 Safety rotary switch value differs from validated safe ID. The rotary switches were changed after the drive completed start-up. Change the rotary switch value to match the validated safe ID or reboot the drive to validate a new safe ID.
W9014 Developer SMM firmware version detected. A developer firmware image is on the SMM board. Load official release firmware.
W9015 Non-certified SMM-drive firmware version pair detected The SMM and drive firmware images were not certified to function properly together. Load SMM and drive firmware that have been certified together. Currently, there are only two certified version pairs:
  • SMM: 1.04 - Drive: 02-05-03-000
  • SMM: 1.04 - Drive: 02-10-00-103
W9016 Mismatch in drive and SMM safety parameter version The safety parameter version used at drive startup doesn't match the SMM firmware version. Reboot the drive. If problem persists, contact Customer Support.

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